How to Make your Own Miracle Breast Growth Oil

Hi beauties!,

Soooo posts for the #NaturalBlogVlog go live on Thursdays; annnnnd because a certain American holiday falls on a special Thursday in November, this post will officially go live on Thanksgiving Day 2019!

Owing to such a fact, I would be remiss not to give thanks to you, you absolute legend of a person!

In honour of appreciation (and not in honour of the genocidal history of this day) I want to give special thanks to you– my extraordinary readers, who make this Earth Walk so phenomenal.. mwah! ?

Let’s also take a moment of pause to say thank you to our bountiful breasts, that beautiful mammilla that give us our womanly grace and gorgeous figures.

To my girls: thank you #ZenaandZoraAnabelle for being here with me, with your health, bounce and uniqueness!

And thank you #BoobieGoddess for reminding me to massage my girls every day!

Related: My 4 Week Update| New Growth Breast Enhancement Program Tips and Tricks

The Beauty of Massage

I know you’ve heard it loads from me already BUT you are totally going to hear it again today: Massage massage Michelle Visage.

Massage is one of the most respectful, nourishing, and remarkable acts that we can perform for our bodies. When it comes to the breasts, massage works on so many levels because it:

  • stimulates blood flow
  • can help the lymphatic system remove toxins
  • encourages growth
  • wakes up the cells
  • cares for the skin
  • fosters self-love and opens our emotional energy flow

While breast massage should be a daily practice for all women, for those of us on a Natural Breast Enhancement (NBE) journey it is essential! This is where a good breast oil comes into the equation.

Breast Growth Oil

Using our favorite natural moisturizer or oil for a massage is a good idea, BUT using an oil/cream suffused with ingredients that aid in breast growth is the best idea!

Though there are plenty of many of breast oils and creams available for purchase, I find that making my own is the best way to go. This of course is because:

  • I know every single ingredient in the oil
  • I know how much of everything is in the oil
  • It’s cheaper
  • I don’t have to worry about my skin breaking out from an unknown ingredient
  • If I run out I can easily just cook up another batch!

Related: How to Naturally Increase Breast Size + Make Breasts Symmetrical!

Ingredients for My Miracle Breast Growth Oil

  1. Fenugreek seeds- stimulates estrogen and progesterone to help enlarge breasts
  2. Fennel seeds- flavonoids help in the recovery and regrowth of breast tissue
  3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil- moisturizes skin, great for health of skin, needed as the base for the oil
  4. Black Seed Oil- has healing and antioxidant properties
  5. Flaxseed oil- reduces growth of breast tumours, reduces blood pressure
  6. Pure Pueraria Mirifica Powder (optional but I think makes the mix much stronger)- encourages firmness, growth, and a reduction in stretch marks
  7. Aguaje Fruit 10:1 Extract (optional but I think makes the mix much stronger)- super estrogen enhancement
  • extracts include maca root, saw palmetto, red clover, wild yam root, fenugreek seed, fennel seed, dong quai root, rosehip, dandelion root, soy isoflavones

Where to Buy

I purchased the fenugreek and fennel seeds from my local shop called Eurasia– which sells plenty of foods traditionally found in Indian dishes, a similar shop in your area should carry the same! My olive oil was purchased at my local grocery store, and the black seed oil, flaxseed oil,  pueraria mirifica capsules, and aguaje capsules from Amazon.

Items you will Need

  1. Ingredients ⇑
  2. Large Glass Bowl
  3. Pot
  4. Strainer
  5. Glass jar
  6. Glass Bottle with a pipette (optional)
  7. Extra Large syringe for transferring (optional)

Related: Best DIY Products to Make at Home

How to Make it

If you are more of a visual learner then scroll down to the video instructions below

Step 1

  • Get all your ingredients together ??‍?

Step 2

  • Fill your pot with water to boil and place on the hob (stove) ?

Step 3

  • Pour 10 tbsp of olive oil into the bowl x10?

Step 4

  • Add 3 tbsp black seed oil in the bowl x3?

Step 5

  • Turn on the burner to high so that your water begins boiling ?

Step 6

  • Add x1 capsule of flaxseed oil (or 1 tsp) then add 1.5 tbsp (or one of those extra large spoons) of fenugreek seeds into the bowl x1.5?

Step 7

  • Add 1.5 tbsp (or one extra large spoon) of fennel into the bowl x1.5?

Related: Bosom Beauty Review- Fast Way to Reach Natural Breast Enhancement

Step 8

  • Split open then add one full capsule of pueraria mirifica x1?

Step 9

  • Split open then add one full capsule of the Aguaje extract x1?

Step 10

  • Mix all ingredients together ??‍?

Step 11

  • Place bowl on top of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, stirring gently every once in a while ⌚️

Step 12

  • Turn off flame, remove bowl from pot  ?

Step 13

  • Place strainer over glass jar and pour the mix into the jar via the strainer ?

Step 14

  • Pat the seeds with your spoon to ensure that all oil is released into the jar. If not transferring into the bottle with the pipette then you are finished here! ?

Optional: save a bit of the seeds and the oil in a separate jar so that it can infuse for longer. When you make your next batch add this in after step 12!

Step 15

  • Pour the oil into the glass bottle with the pipette and this is what you will use for your massage! (I use a tsp amount of oil each time I massage) ?

Related: The Best Natural Breast Enlargement Program?!

Homemade Paste/Cream

If you want to maximize your chances for breast growth with these ingredients– and if you don’t like to waste, you can use the remaining seeds and blend them into a paste.

  • Step 1- Boil the seeds in the water to open/soften them (about 15 minutes)
  • Step 2- Once they are soft enough extract the seeds from the water. Save the water though because you can use this as a hair rinse to encourage extra long healthy hair!
  • Step 3- Blend the seeds with a little bit of the water that is left over
  • Step 4- Pour into a glass jar and refrigerate. Use this daily or weekly before a shower by mixing it with your favorite moisturizer

Visual Steps

My Current Method

Because I am currently on the New Growth program, I mix my oil with the serum that comes with the program alongside some breast firming cream (a tsp amount of the entire mix is sufficient for me).

I massage every single day without fail and sometimes twice a day just to be sure. My goal is always 15 minutes per session but so long as I at least give 5 minutes I feel satisfied.

I massage in the morning before heading off for the day and at night before I use my Bosom Beauty and Noogleberry.

Related: Noogleberry vs Bosom Beauty

That’s That

And that’s it lovelies! That is how I make and use my own miracle breast growth oil. I truly feel so much better for massaging my girls and encourage you to get into this love-forming habit every day as well! We are so blessed to have our girls and lets never forget to show gratitude for that!

  • Is there an even better ingredient to add to this mix? Let me know by commenting!
  • Don’t forget to join our circle by subscribing 😉
  • Watch our NBE playlist here
  • Follow/friend- Insta/FB @hernaturallivinghandbook
  • Massage Massage Michelle Visage! (love herrrr)
  • Love ya’s ?
  • And thank you

1 comment on “How to Make your Own Miracle Breast Growth Oil

  1. One of the best, if not the best, place to check out the efficacy of (fenugreek, saw palmetto, red clover, etc.) is This site publishes scientific research into a myriad of health related issues, treatments, etc.,

    As a male wanting to grow feminine breasts, I’ve used pueraria mirifica, saw palmetto, fenugreek, red clover and raw bovine glandular. I had best results with pm, rc and bo. The side effects of pm and bo were that my penis shrunk from 6.5″ to 2″. My breasts grew from 38A cup to a 40C cup and are still growing. I purchased some of my supplements on Amazon. My preferred source of fg, sp and rc are from Greenbush at Their protocols give the cleanest supplements. It would be well worth you time to take a look at Greenbush.

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