Best Breast Massage Techniques for Growth

Hello my lovely Handbookers! 

Welcome to another chapter on this #NBE (Natural Breast Enhancement) journey! What’s on the agenda today? My fave breast massage techniques for stimulating blood flow and getting our girls to grow!…that’s what!

By this point most of us realize how vital massage is for overall health. When it comes to NBE, Massaging is superb as it promotes growth through stimulating blood flow and cell regeneration. 

Massage is a beautiful form of self-love and self-care and we at HNLH highly recommend and advise it whether you want breast growth or not. 

Related: My Breast Pump Technique | All Natural Breast Enhancement

The Massage Curriculum

When I first got into NBE, I learned about breast massage and the benefits for encouraging true growth. BUT I couldn’t find any specific techniques to get me started, despite watching so many YouTube videos and reading so many blog posts ?.

Now that I’ve been on this NBE journey for a while, though, I can save you the trouble I’ve faced with x3 techniques that make the journey so worthwhile! 

Breast massages can be performed bare or lightly covered and can also be achieved dry or lubricated. I personally go down the bare route with an herb-infused oil or cream, but it is best to do what makes you most comfortable. If you do opt for a covered-approach, use a light/thin top and take care not to stain your top with oil/cream if it is one you care for!

Related: How to Make your Own Miracle Breast Growth Oil

My Three Favorite Techniques

The techniques that I favor are:
  1. Lymphatic Massage
  2. Slap Therapy Technique
  3. Basic Massage

Lymphatic Massage

This first technique I learned while on the New Growth Program, and it was the first video that actually showed what to do and why to do it!

As per the name, this massage works on the lymph nodes level. When performing this technique properly, we can reach optimal breast health and also stimulate cells for growth. 

This also helps to drain the lymphatic system which works to remove harmful toxins. 

What I do is:

  • Massage in a circular motion and count to 50
  • Reverse the circular motion and count to 45 
  • Reverse again and count to 35 
  • Repeat, dropping 5 each time, until I reach just 5

THE IMPORTANT part of this massage is to focus on draining out any toxins. Imagine that you’re moving and draining toxins out towards the armpits as you do your circular motions. Find your nodes, press, push, and drain! (see video below)

Related: Buying the Noogleberry System #WhichKittoBUY!

Slap Therapy Technique

This next technique I learned from a beautiful youtuber who has AHMAHHHHHZING girls!

Slap therapy has ancient roots in Asian cultures, specifically Chinese, and is something practiced by many women for health, beauty and breast enhancement. It promotes blood flow and gets the Qigong nice and balanced! 

How I do:

  • Normally I’m bare and I always start at the top, slapping the cleavage area
  • I may Slap 3 times or 5 or 10! (whatever my body is feeling that day) 
  • Move in a circular motion to the next spot and slap X times again
  • Because Zena (the right one) has a bit of trouble with cell growth, I focus on her singularly and more! (Specifically in areas where she isn’t the same as ZoraAnabelle) 

REMEMBER to never harm your body! Although my breasts may go red throughout the process, I never feel pain. Some women find this technique brutal when bare and prefer wearing a top, so trial and error and do what works best for you! 

Basic Massage

The third technique is perfect to finish off with! It’s a gentle massage and feels so nice after slap therapy. It’s super simple and requires only 1.hand and 2.movement!

What me does:

  • Massage gently with two hands on one breast or one hand on each breast… simple!

It’s BASIC but BRILLIANT… AND something we can do at any time! LITERALLY!

How Long Should we and when Should we Massage?

Breast massage should be performed for 15-30 minutes daily… minimum! If you’re impatient (like me) or if you’re schedule is quite full, just remember to find the time to slot it in! AND get creative! Try bundling: doing it while you are doing something else!

You can add it in:

  • before bed… while waiting for slumber
  • while in the shower
  • when watching the telly
  • while reading

Just make it part of your daily routine! 

Related: How to Bosom Beauty Pump for Asymmetry w/o Neglecting the Bigger Sister!

Watch how it’s Done!

Anndddd There it ‘Tis! 

That’s it my beauties! That is how I massage my girls for growth and health! I truly feel sooo much better in performing these and encourage you all to get into this self-care habit every day! We are soooo blessed to have our physical vessels so let’s never forget to show them gratitude and love!

  • Is there a technique I didn’t mention that you recommend? Let me know in the comments! 
  • Join our natural living circle by subscribing! 
  • Start your NBE Journey with our NBE playlist here
  • As always, loveeeeeee ya’s ?

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